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The Information Research Center of the Second industrial design institute of EDRI Won the Title of Youth Civilization of Chengdu in 2014

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2015-01-08 Page View: 897

Recently, after a strict check and comprehensive evaluation, EDRI's the 1st industrial design institute Information Research Center was named " Chengdu City Youth Civilization " of 2014 by Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League.
The Information Research Center was established in 2011. After three years of project accumulation, it has become a well-known special design team of informatization and building intelligence in Chengdu. All members of the team are not afraid of difficulties, work hard to innovate, overcome difficulties in their work, work overtime, and actively resolve the problems facing the new field, and successfully completed hundreds of special design projects for informationization, it has been widely praised by the owners of military industry, government, public security, enterprises and other industries. The research center pays attention to the development of young people, arranges young comrades to play in important posts, and at the same time, young comrades can independently play on the project, grow rapidly, and gradually become the main force in their work. Through the screening of the League of Youth League, the final decision to declare the information technology research center for the Chengdu Youth Civilization. In the examination of the mutual investigation and interaction of Chengdu Municipal Corporation, the procuratorial group and his party gave a high evaluation to the socialization effect brought by the project of the information research center and the work of the youth league committee of our company.
We hope that the information research center will cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, and vigorously carry forward the enterprise spirit of " innovation, hard work, mission, play, team, and execution, " And constantly achieve new achievements, to make greater contributions to the development of our company.