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EDRI held The Second Staff Congress of the Second (Eighth of college) Session

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2015-03-31 Page View: 895

At 9:00 a.m. on March 28, 2015, the Second Workers' Congress of EDRI (Eighth of College) was held in the multifunctional hall of the Chengdu General People's Congress. At the meeting, the Chairman and President of the Committee, Comrade Zhao Zhenyuan, gave a report entitled "Sailing all over the country is spring" In his report, President Zhao elaborated on three major aspects: the main indicators for 2014, the major events in 2014 and the guiding ideology and main objectives for 2015, The meeting was briefed on developments in the Court and highlighted the organization of work and the way forward. President Zhao's report was warmly applauded by all the delegates, who unanimously adopted President Zhao's report. The union president Wang Meng gave a summary of the trade union's 2014 annual summary and annual plan for 2015 at the meeting. Wang Heng, vice secretary of the Party Committee, congratulated the Congress on the entrustment of the Administration and Party Committee. Senior Vice President Liu Shengchun, Yao Wei and Wang Yibo attended the meeting.
The Assembly came to a successful conclusion in the song of unity as strength.