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Zhao Zhenyuan attended The 2017 Global PV 20 Ranking Conference and the First Meeting of the New Energy Chapter of the China Information Industry Chamber of Commerce

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2017-04-16 Page View: 3000

April 16th Morning, "2017 Global Photovoltaic Top 20 Ranking Conference, 4th Session of China Photovoltaic Leader Enterprise Pujiang Dialogue and 2017 First Meeting of New Energy Branch of China Information Industry Chamber of Commerce" was held at Shanghai Kerry Hotel.

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Chairman of Taiji Industry Co., Ltd., and EDRI, Zhao Zhenyuan, Chairman of Zhongdian Electronics Equipment Group Co., Ltd. and Assistant Director of China Electronics Technology Group No. 48 Research Institute, Zhou Dayang, Vice General Manager of Hunan Red Company Some cadres such as Yu Zhizhi, Ji Chao and Wan Lilang attended the meeting. Meeting organizer - Leili New Energy Co., Ltd. Chairman Hu Hongjun attended the meeting, General Manager Xue Yuan delivered the opening speech. More than 300 delegates from the conference hall were present.