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Nanjing CLP Panda G108 Project Officially Put into Operation Based on Design and Project Management of EDRI

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2015-04-13 Page View: 1173

According to March 30th CCTV " News Hookup " reported that the world's first 8.5 generation high-end LCD panel production line project in Nanjing completed and put into production the same day. The project invested 29.15 billion yuan, the production of the display with ultra-high resolution, and the power consumption is only 50 % of the traditional display, marking the realization of key technologies in the LCD industry breakthrough, not only is the world's first high-generation LCD panel line using metal oxide technology, but also the largest single investment amount of electronic items in China since the founding of New China, the industry is very optimistic about its market prospects. The project is designed by our hospital and project management, which is the glory of all builders. Comrade zhao zhenyuan, chairman and president of the institute, extended his heartfelt congratulations to the team led by comrade he ping, wang jiansheng, wan feng and wang shuxia on the project site for many years, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the design and general package team and express my heartfelt congratulations to the entire hospital. This marks our institute has mastered the international most advanced IGZO liquid crystal display engineering design, is our integrated circuit after a long time in the domestic first, in the high-end field of another major breakthrough!
At 11 : 40 on March 31, Comrade He Ping held a meeting of the whole staff at the scene of the G108 project, and conveyed to you the praise and congratulations of President Zhao on the project team, I thank you for your hard work and hard work to achieve this important stage result. All comrades of the project team are encouraged by the encouragement of the president and the leadership of the hospital, and all the relevant branches and departments that have given great support to the G108 project. They said that they must live up to the expectations of president zhao and all the comrades, and change the incentive to ensure the successful completion of the project follow-up work.