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Symposium of President of Sichuan Province Survey and Design Compound

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2015-04-14 Page View: 975

On 8 april, the joint meeting of the president of the large-scale state-owned survey and design enterprise, organized by the sichuan provincial survey and design association, was held at the sichuan architectural design and research institute. Zhao zhenyuan, chairman of the board of directors of the association and president of EDRI, attended and delivered a keynote speech. Huang Xinghua, director of the Department of Investigation and Design and Science and Technology of the Department of Housing and Construction of Sichuan Province, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Nearly 20 people, including vice chairman of the association and responsible persons of some large design institutes, were present at the forum.
The meeting focused on the theme of " exploring the development of large-scale design enterprises under the new normal situation " and discussed how the large-scale state-owned survey and design enterprises should be conducted under the new normal economic situation and the " one-way " national strategy we should further deepen reform and actively integrate into development. As the host of this meeting, the vice chairman of the association and the president of Architectural design and Research Institute of Sichuan Province, Li Chun, first made a welcome speech, and she introduced the new situation in the face of the new economic situation and the new pattern of strategy, the Provincial Design Institute actively adopted various measures to deepen the reform and integration into development, and set aside the topic, and interact with the responsible persons of the participating enterprises.
The responsible persons of the participating enterprises spoke actively around the theme of the meeting. We separately informed the enterprises in 2014 in the production and operation, institutional mechanisms, investment financing, scientific and technological innovation and other aspects of the situation and this year's main work plan, and combined with the current industry restructuring and development trend potential, the market environment under the new normal economy and the national strategic pattern, respectively, on the topic of " structural reform, " Business extension, " Capital operation, " And " planning for Thirteen Five ", respectively there is a broad consensus on measures to deal with and strategic thinking, as well as reform and development measures to jointly cope with the new normal and new pattern, and to seek opportunities for cooperation in specific business areas.
At the meeting, Director Huang Xinghua also informed the Office of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in 2014 in regulating the entire Sichuan survey and design market supervision and implementation of the project quality management initiatives in the two years of action as well as the year 2015 work plan. He pointed out that in the face of the new normal economic situation, the survey and design enterprises should make overall layout and coordinated development in terms of institutional mechanism reform, business model innovation, and industrial extension, actively merging with the national " Belt and Road Initiative " strategy, integrating resources, and win-win cooperation.
Zhao zhenyuan, chairman of the association, conveyed in his keynote speech the spirit of the meeting of the secretary-general of the national survey and design trade association held in yunnan, and summarized the forum. He highly affirmed the good atmosphere and fruitful achievements of the president's joint meeting. He asked the secretariat of the association to take various measures to further enhance the frequency of holding the joint meeting of the presidents of large survey and design enterprises so as to enable the association to play a greater role in promoting the province's survey and design enterprises transformation and upgrading of development to build more and better communication and exchange platform.