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Plenary Session of 2017 of the New Party and Government Team Ends Successfully, Chairman and Party Secretary Zhao Zhenyuan Delivered an Important Speech

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2017-03-27 Page View: 3000

The spring breeze is warm and the birds are singing. A scene of great vitality.
The first plenary session of 2017 of the new Party and government team concluded successfully at the East China Headquarters Building after another day's journey. The successful holding of this conference will mark the beginning of a new "five-year golden period" for all cadres and staff as a landmark conference in the history of scientific and technological development of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, which will be of great significance.


The two-day intensive meeting produced fruitful results: 11 scientific and technological appointments were made; The paper on the adoption of the regional adjustment and a series of documents were discussed, including the appointment of key heads of production departments in the regions, branches and headquarters. Based on the theme of "Laddering, Focusing, Competence, Unity and Harmony", a strong cadre team of 11 science and technology will be established to lay the foundation for the realization of the strategic objectives for the next five years.