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The Symposium on National Design Master and Old Leaders Was Held in the General Office of Comrade Wang Yibo

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2017-01-16 Page View: 3000

At 9:30 a.m. on January 16, 2017, the Taihu Hall on the 24th floor of the General Hospital was filled with a festive atmosphere. Comrade Wang Yibo was elected National Design Master Celebration and Senior Leaders Symposium was held here.

1-王毅勃同志當選國家社稷大師慶祝會(huì )現場(chǎng).JPG

Wang Yibo was elected to the National Design Master

Legal representative Zhao Zhenyuan, senior vice president Yao Wei, party committee deputy secretary Wang Heng, senior vice president, state design master Wang Yibo, vice president Yao Hong, and 11 science and technology leaders in diazepam, deng Shoulian, Li Shizhong, Feng Xiaokang, Wang Xiaoman, Zheng Bingxiao, He Xixian, Wang Weiguo, Gu Erkuang, and Gao Chunmei and Cui Shujie were present at the meeting. More than 150 cadres at and above the deputy division level of the general hospital were present at the meeting, and the celebration meeting was presided over by vice president sun ming.
At the celebration meeting, comrade zhao zhenyuan congratulated comrade wang yibb on the title of " the eighth batch of national engineering survey and design masters ". Zhao zhenyuan said : comrade wang yibb won the eighth batch of national design master honors at the end of the year, which is the big thing of 11 science and technology, and also the sixth batch of survey and design systems in sichuan province, after the seventh batch of masters, they got four big things.


Congratulatory Speech by Comrade Zhao Zhenyuan


 Speech by Wang Yibo, National Master


Speech by Wang Weiguo, National Master

During the celebration, Comrade Zhao Zhenyuan presented gifts to Comrade Wang Yibo and presented his calligraphy works to the two masters, Wang Weiguo and Wang Yibo respectively "Two masters of the same family, Glory to the Father and to the Son" Express the heartfelt congratulations and good wishes to the two masters of the Eleventh Science and Technology. After the meeting, Comrade Zhao Zhenyuan took a photo with the old leaders warmly.


Zhao Zhenyuan presented calligraphy works to two masters and took photos with them

