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Wuxi Industry Group Convenes 2017 Annual Working Meeting

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2017-02-21 Page View: 3000


2017  At 14 : 00 on February 21, Wuxi Industrial Development Group Co, Ltd. 2017 Working Conference held in Wuxi Industrial Group Building, Chairman of the Board of Industry Group, Party Secretary Comrade Jiang Guoxiong, liu tao, deputy secretary of the group, luo jin, vice president of the group, huahai ling, zhang xiaogeng, and tian junwen, secretary of the group's discipline inspection commission, attended the Weifu Hi-Tech, Taiji Industry, and Hongyuan Science and Technology, zhao Zhenyuan, chairman of Taiji industry, and Sun Hongwei, general manager of Taiji industry, attended the meeting of the leaders of Taiji industry, including the chairman of the board of directors of the board of directors of Taiji industry, eleven vice president of science and technology, Ji Chao, attended the meeting.
At the meeting, deputy secretary Liu Tao read out the recognition decision, a total of seven advanced enterprises, seven outstanding employees and 26 outstanding employees award-winning, eleven science and technology East China General Packet Company won the advanced collectives, comrade Lu Haidong and He Huadong won the honorable title of outstanding employees. The award ceremony was held at the meeting, and the target task for 2017 was also issued in three batches.


Huadong Branch General Contracting Company Awarded 2016 Advanced Collective


 Industry Group Awards for Outstanding Employees


Comrade Lu Haidong and He Huadong Won the Honorary Title of Excellent Employee

At the meeting, zhao zhenyuan cordially met with chairman jiang guoxiong, held cordial talks, and also called on other leaders of the industrial group, and called on the 11 science and technology directors, huahai ling, li Lingjuan and so on, paid a visit to China Wanrong Financial Controller, Wang Yaokang, director of investment, and so on, Zhao Zhenyuan also Taiji Industrial General Manager Sun Hongwei, party secretary Chu Bing, financial director Yang Shaobo, the chairman of the trade union, chen yuefang, and secretaries ding kui, and others held brief talks and arranged arrangements for the next step of the work.
Zhao zhenyuan said that as an industrial group holding tai chi industry, as the 11 technologies of tai chi industrial holding company, 11 science and technology should gradually adapt to the development of local state enterprises and adapt to the system of local state-owned enterprises, merge into, form the resultant force, make our contribution to promote the development of the enterprise and the place.
During the meeting, zhao zhenyuan also paid a visit to leading comrades attending the meeting under the flagship of the weifu high-tech industry group and held cordial talks with them.